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(working hours)

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  • working hours — UK US noun [plural] ► HR, WORKPLACE the amount of time someone spends at work during a day: »Personal use of the internet by office workers is costing British firms 233 million working hours a month. »flexible/extended/reduced working hours an… …   Financial and business terms

  • working hours — plural noun The period of the day during which work is normally done, and offices, shops, etc are open • • • Main Entry: ↑work …   Useful english dictionary

  • working hours — n. regular; staggered working hours (during regular working hours) * * * [ˌwɜːkɪŋ aʊəz] staggered working hours (during regular working hours) regular …   Combinatory dictionary

  • working hours — darbo laikas statusas Aprobuotas sritis buhalterinė apskaita ir finansinė atskaitomybė apibrėžtis Laikas, kurį darbuotojas privalo dirbti jam pavestą darbą. atitikmenys: angl. working hours šaltinis VšĮ Audito ir apskaitos tarnybos direktoriaus… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • working hours of failure shooting — gedimo paieškos trukmė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. fault location time; working hours of failure shooting vok. Ausfallortungszeit; Fehlersuchzeit rus. время поиска неисправности, n; обнаружение неисправности, n pranc. temps de …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • working hours of failure shooting and repair — gedimo paieškos ir ištaisymo trukmė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. working hours of failure shooting and repair vok. Fehlerortungs und Instandsetzungszeitaufwand, m rus. время поиска и ликвидации отказа, n pranc. temps de… …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • working hours — The EU Working Time Directive of 1993 required all member states to limit the working week of employees to 48 hours (except when employees have agreed otherwise). The provisions of this directive were enacted by the British government in the… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • working hours — See day s work; hours of labor; Hours of Service Act …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • working hours — period of time during which one works …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Drivers' working hours — is the commonly used term for regulations that govern the activities of the drivers of commercial goods vehicles and passenger carrying vehicles. Within the European Union, EU Regulation 561/2006 [1][1][2] is the current regulation concerning the …   Wikipedia

  • hours — UK US /ˈaʊəz/ noun [plural] HR, WORKPLACE ► the amount of time during the day or week that you work: reduce/cut/increase sb s hours »The company have threatened to cut my hours at work. long/flexible hours »People in executive roles often work… …   Financial and business terms

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